
I remember that day when..

I shared my pillow with my loving cat ‘Munchkin’ 🙂

Back in college, my roommate, my man of the house, my best friend and confidant, was my lovely persian cat i named Munchkin. He was given to me as a gift when he was only 4 months old, and over the years, he grew to be fat and fluffy with an attitude of a king!

He was the man as he would never allow me to close any doors since he likes to go everywhere as he pleases.

He was my best friend as he always sensed my stress and discomfort, and he chooses to sit next to me during those times.

He was my roommmate as he once woke me up during a fire alarm – that one time when i was deap in my sleep and i thought that the alarm was part of my dream.

On the days he is happy, i am forced to share my pillow, and he ends ups using up most of it and i am left with only a third!

On the days he is mad at me, he sleeps on top of the corner counter in the kitchen where i cannot reach him.

I was truly blessed having him around; and I will always miss him.

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